young at art

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Impatient Cheating Heart/Head

I did something rash and now I have a HORRIBLE haircut to show for it. I have my kiddos at school write "Bad Haircut" essays, and now I really have something to share with them.

It all started with my procrastination. I waited too long to call my normal Fabulous (the capital F is on purpose) hair lady. Then, on Sunday when I was going to get my toenails done, I got to the salon and it was closed. So, I thought to myself, "Self, you are already out and about. Jeremiah has Dahlia. Why not pop in somewhere and get your grown-out mop tended to?" And then I answered myself. "Great idea!" WRONG! 

So I go into the salon that shall not be named and come out looking like a lopsided eighties pop star with a heroin problem. Or Jem from Saturday morning cartoons when I was kid. Oh, the humanity!

So now I am to ashamed to tell Shelia, the most wonderful stylist around, that I cheated on her with a nameless hack. And that now my cheating ways will require her to fix me. 

Has anyone else out there ever cheated on their stylist and regretted it? A one cut stand, if you will.

p.s. It doesn't help that like half of my hair has fallen out after my pregnancy hormones shifted. **see previous post "Baldy McGee."


Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My First Mother's Day

What a great day! Lately I have been feeling so blessed and thankful for all of the joys and wonderful people in my life. I mean, how did I end up with such a beautiful baby, a loving and awesome husband, and all of the special family and friends I have?!

Back to my day. It started out with sleeping in and then we made the decision to venture out to Benvenuti's for brunch. We got ready and as I was feeding Dahlia before we left, I got a text. I expected it to be one of those sweet and wonderful people wishing me well for my first Mother's Day. And it was, but not who I expected.

I looked at the screen and the incoming text was from Dahlia Ann. My baby!? I immediately started to freak out. My mind was clouded with awe and I could not think clearly. As I read the three messages it ended up being, I was hysterical. I could barely read about how I was the best mom who would make her such a good person. I am still so happy hours later.

As you probably guess much quicker than my love-stuck self did, it was Jeremiah. *sigh* My sweetie snuck my phone away and reprogrammed his number with Dahlia's name so he could send me a message from our sweet little miracle.

When I finally wiped away all of the snot and tears, Brain and Cecil met us for a yummy brunch (probably the best I have had in, well, ever aside from the heat on the patio). We came on home and relaxed. Dahlia and I snuggled in for a nap, Jeremiah played video games, we sat on patio and stared at our perfect baby and then talked about how perfect she is. We took her picture a million times, then after we dragged some yard waste to the curb, came inside.

Dahlia ate her first rice cereal and got it ALL over. On her back even! We had a bath and now it is bedtime.

I will never forget this day.

